8 Spinal Conditions That May Be Treated Using MISS (Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery)

8 Spinal Conditions That May Be Treated Using MISS (Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery)

Many people suffer from neck and back pain that is easily treated and cured most of the time. But sometimes, it can lead to serious conditions that require surgery to alleviate the pain. There are many different surgical techniques when addressing neck and back pain. One set of procedures, minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS), uses instruments to treat the problem with muscle sparring or splitting techniques, usually with a smaller incision. Even if it involves hospitalization, which it usually does not, the recovery time is comparably shorter than regular surgery. If you need a surgical cure for your neck and back pain, you should consider minimally invasive spine surgery. 

There are several different conditions that may be treated using minimally invasive spine surgery. 

  1. Herniated Disc: Spinal discs play a critical role as shock absorbers for the spine. A herniated disc results from breaking, bulging, or cracking of these discs due to aging factors, or wear and tear. 
  2. Degenerative Disc Disease: Rubber-like spinal discs provide flexibility and structural elasticity to a young spine. However, they get damaged due to several age-related diseases like degenerative disc disease. 
  3. Sciatica (Lumbar Radiculopathy): Sciatica is a group of symptoms referring to compression of the nerve roots that form the sciatic nerve, by a herniated disc or bone spur in the spine. Sciatica usually affects only one leg, causing searing or radiating pain down the leg, with numbness and tingling sensations. 
  4. Spinal Stenosis: The condition whereby the bony opening within the spine narrows down and reduces the diameter of the spinal canal, causing pressure or compression of the traversing spinal cord and nerve roots. It primarily affects the cervical (neck) or lumbar (lower back) spine. It usually results from osteoarthritis due to age but can also be caused by bone spurs. 
  5. Spondylosis: Changes in the structure of the spine with aging can lead to degeneration of the discs and the facet joints, a condition that is termed spondylosis. It is a common cause of neck and back pain that worsens with age. 
  6. Spinal Infections: Infections can result from operations or arise on their own. Chronic back pain without prior injury usually points toward spinal infection. It can occur in the vertebra or intervertebral discs. 
  7. Vertebral Fractures: Spinal fractures such as vertebral compression fracture (VCF) can be caused due to trauma or osteoporosis. Severe sudden pain is the primary symptom of VCF. It is treated by kyphoplasty approaches of MISS. 
  8. Spinal Tumors: Malignant or benign abnormal tissue growth in the spine causes tumors. If a tumor occurs in the spine, it is called a primary spinal tumor, and if it travels from another body part, it is called a metastatic spinal tumor. 

During your initial consultation with your neurosurgeon, you will find out which treatment, surgical procedure, or combination is recommended. Learn more about minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) here

About The Brain & Spine Institute of North Houston 

If you are suffering from the above-mentioned conditions and need a reputed neurosurgeon to help you, The Brain & Spine Institute of North Houston should be the place to go. Our founder, Dr. Fayaz, is a renowned neurosurgeon specializing in brain, neck, and back procedures. You can get the latest treatments and expert care at our facility. Book an appointment today at (281) 880-0700.